
Next JS


🧑🧔 Between 6 to 10 people

🕜 20 hours (5 blocks of 4 hours)

📊 80% practice - 20% theroy

📍 Remote or In site

🎁 A free course at our campus

¡Sounds good!
💡 This course is for companies: 👉 If you are looking courses for you as developer, please visit our campus


In this course, we will teach you how you can leverage this framework to create high-performance enterprise applications, taking advantage of the best of Server Side Rendering and Client Side Rendering. We will give you practical recommendations and examples of when to use these two types of rendering, and we will see the advantages of pre-fetching and the performance speed you can obtain.


  • Learn Next.js from scratch
  • Understand how to work with Next.js
  • Different rendering techniques: SSR, SSG, CSR, ISR
  • Folder structure
  • Dynamic and static routes
  • Under the hood setup and pages
  • Hidden optimizations
  • Pre-rendering of pages
  • Creating and consuming our integrated API
  • Architecture in Next.js
  • Comparison of a React application vs Next.js
  • Next middlewares for APIs and pages
  • Deployments on various platforms

Course value

  • Advantages of Next.js vs React ⚛️
  • Advantages of SSR 🧑‍💻
  • Code splitting by default ✂️
  • Best practices with Next.js 💎
  • When to use CSR and SSR, I will teach you the secret to make your software fly 🚀
  • Code reusability ⌨️


The most challenging part of a course is putting what you have learned into practice. That’s why in this course, students spend most of their time programming, dedicating 80% to practice and 20% to theory.

The course is divided into modules, and each module consists of theoretical and practical parts.

The practical part is organized by working in pairs, where a communicative environment is encouraged through short exercises. We will do different programming katas so that students can practice each concept that we are learning.

We will work with mob programming


This is a course for people with a minimum knowledge of programming in Javascript and Frontend concepts.

Contact us

If you are interested in this course, please fill out the following form and we will get in touch with you.